đź”± Sezl's Affliction Warlock WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

Evening darlings,
I have been lurking around here for awhile creating my own macros, but I feel it’s time to share the love, and give back to the community.


Usage Information:
The macro will prioritise casting Malefic Rapture > Drain Soul without mod input.

SHIFT - AOE DOTS Seed of Corruption (you need soul shards to start this off, if none, hit CTRL for solo dots) > Vile Taint [@Cursor] > Haunt > Unstable Affliction
CTRL - SINGLE TARGET DOTS Haunt > Vile Taint [@Cursor] > Unstable Affliction > Agony > Corruption
ALT - CDs Summon Darkglare & Soul Rot

Talent Import Code


If outdated, find the correct talents here: Affliction Warlock PvE Guide For Mythic+

Macro Import Code


Feedback is greatly appreciated. Along with any performance screenshots you would be willing to share. Any questions, feel free to message me or post here.

My Other Macros:

đź”± Sezl's Brewmaster Monk WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

đź”± Sezl's Survival Hunter WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

đź”± Sezl's Fury Warrior WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

đź”± Sezl's Discipline Priest WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

đź”± Sezl's Arms Warrior WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

đź”± Sezl's Holy Priest WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

đź”± Sezl's Affliction Warlock WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

đź”± Sezl's Resto Shaman WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

đź”± Sezl's Mistweaver Monk WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

đź”± Sezl's Resto Druid Kittyweaver WAR WITHIN 11.0 [One Button]

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@rolltide73 check this out.

learned how to read. runs well.

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If you have no soul shards, that will happen… did you read the Usage Information?

of course not that would make sense so why would I do that? …once I threw out some dots it worked way better.

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:smiley: It’s not great on the combat dummies because you aint getting kills which generate soul shards. Best used in a dungeon to try it out.

looks interesting will give it a try ! using ur fury macro now its on point…

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I like this…its a little complicated for an old man though. Im gonna try to get it so that shift only fires Seeds. Then everything else is just run in one macro with mods.

The problem you have is in both single target you have to dot up the enemy, then do a core damage rotation for 10-15 seconds, then dot up again.

You can’t stick all of that into one core macro rotation. Affliction is unfortunately a slightly more complex class to play, and this is reflected in the macro. I’ve tried to keep it as simple as possible.

Shift = Hold shift to apply dots/curses etc to more than one enemy. After the rotation, release shift, and let the core rotation of Drain Soul and Malefic Rapture continue until the dots drop off/refresh them by hitting Shift again.

Ctrl = exactly the same as above, but this is the single target dot/curse rotation. Hold it down for 5 seconds or so to apply all your dots, let go and let it run through core abilities for 10-15 seconds before applying them again.

Alt = hold that down to proc your big damage/use at the start of a pack.

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I tried to “fix it” the way I was thinking of doing it and “broke it” in spectacular fashion lol. Im gonna work with this and get used to it.

Any idea why the macro would work for all but ctrl key? If I hold nothing it’ll fire shadowbolt back to back, if I hold shift it’ll fire the abilities in the sequence that’re shift assigned. If I hit ctrl it doesn’t cast any abilities, no error text or anything. It’s as if I’m not using the macro while I hold ctrl. I’ve tried clearing the keybindings in troubleshooting just to be sure.

You sure you have the correct talents? You shouldn’t be fireing off shadowbolts… it’s Drain Soul, which replaces the Shadow Bolt in the talents…

For sure on the talents, I even copied and pasted them in again from your post at the start of the thread just to make double sure. It’s as if holding down ctrl while the macro is running simply stops it as if it wasn’t running at all. There’s no error script, spell fizzle sounds, error speech or anything. I don’t see anyone else posting this issue so I’ll completely remove and re-import and see if that will correct my problem.

Im not sure what im doing wrong, i imported macro and talents, set up keybind, but im just casting one spell with it and nothing happens after that one spell. Any ideas please?

Read the post up top. You need to use the mod comments to apply the dots.

Sorry for the question but how do I set this correctly up? I imported it but don’t find the part where i have to set the macros/keybindings up.

I just downloaded this macro and I am having the exact same problem. Shift and Alt work, but nothing happens when i hold down Ctrl. I made sure to get the talents from here.

hi , any chance to make the macro without , alt … shift and ctrl , i`m not confortable with thouse buttons … only if u can… tkjs

hello sorry for the noob question all new to this but how do what is the mod input as all im doing is casting drain soul i see it wont work with the mod input but not sure on what that is thankyou

I’m also not a super noob but, I have imported the newest Soul Harvester talent spec from Murloc as well as entered your Macro Import Code into GSE. I have bound a key, set the sequence to your macro and set the talent loadout to the one i imported into talents from Murloc.

I have tried clicking the bound key once and using CTRL to add dots. I have tried making sure the mouse was on the target before I hit CTRL to start the dots (although since dots are target specific I cannot understand why your mouse has to be on the target). I have also repeatedly clicked the bound key, but the only spell that I can get to cast is drain soul.

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