Hopefully this gets people up and running again in patch 7.1.5.
This macro works in conjunction with GSE 2.0, and has been tested using version v2.0.14. Having said that, fixing problems with the addon are beyond the scope of my abilities.
As for the macro, it occasionally gets modified - as I am always trying to improve its output - so please check back to see if any changes have been made recently. The Edit Log (located at the bottom of this post) will allow you to see what and when changes were made.
To begin using this macro, choose one of the following THREE methods:
METHOD #1 (Import):
- Open GS (/gs).
- Click the IMPORT button.
- Copy and Paste the following code into the editor:
Sequences['SPriest_All-in-One'] = {
Author="Sethadon@Shattered Hand",
Talents = "Any Combination",
Helplink = "https://wowlazymacros.com/forums/topic/shadow-priest-7-1-5-gse-2-0-2/",
Help = "- This macro is quite versatile and should work with any talent combination.\n- Pressing the CTRL key while spamming the macro will allow you to cast Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch. If you have chosen the Misery talent, pressing CTRL will only cast Vampiric Touch.\n- Pressing the ALT key while spamming the macro will allow you to cast Void Torrent and Mindbender (if you have chosen this talent).\n- Surrender to Madness (S2M), Mind Bomb, Power Infusion (PI) and Dispersion will need to be cast manually.",
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Priority",
"/cast [form:0] Shadowform",
"/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]",
"/castsequence [mod:ctrl, talent:6/1, nochanneling:Void Torrent] [mod:ctrl, talent:6/3, nochanneling:Void Torrent] reset=target/5 Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch",
"/cast [mod:ctrl, talent:6/2, nochanneling:Void Torrent] Vampiric Touch",
"/cast [mod:alt, talent:6/1] [mod:alt, talent:6/2] Void Torrent",
"/castsequence [mod:alt, talent:6/3, nochanneling:Void Torrent] reset=60 Mindbender, Void Torrent",
"/cast [combat, nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Eruption",
"/cast [combat, nochanneling] Mind Flay",
"/cast [nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Death",
"/cast [nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Blast",
"/cast [talent:7/2, nochanneling:Void Torrent, @cursor] Shadow Crash",
"/castsequence [talent:1/3, nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Void, Mind Blast, Mind Blast, Mind Blast",
"/cast [talent:6/1, combat, nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:6/2, combat, nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadowfiend",
METHOD #2 Install via the GSE HP Macro Plugin
METHOD #3 (Create from New):
- Open GS (/gs).
- Click the NEW button.
- Copy and Paste the following bits of data into each corresponding field:
SEQUENCE NAME: SPriest_All-in-One
- Specialization / Class ID: Shadow
- Talents: Any Combination
- Help Information:
- This macro is quite versatile and should work with any talent combination.
- Pressing the CTRL key while spamming the macro will allow you to cast Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch. If you have chosen the Misery talent, pressing CTRL will only cast Vampiric Touch.
- Pressing the ALT key while spamming the macro will allow you to cast Void Torrent and Mindbender (if you have chosen this talent).
- Surrender to Madness (S2M), Mind Bomb, Power Infusion (PI) and Dispersion will need to be cast manually.
</li> <li><strong>Help Link:</strong>
- Author: Sethadon@Shattered Hand
TAB 1:
- Step Function: Priority List (1 12 123 1234)
- KeyPress:
/cast [form:0] Shadowform
/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]
/castsequence [mod:ctrl, talent:6/1, nochanneling:Void Torrent] [mod:ctrl, talent:6/3, nochanneling:Void Torrent] reset=target/5 Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch
/cast [mod:ctrl, talent:6/2, nochanneling:Void Torrent] Vampiric Touch
/cast [mod:alt, talent:6/1] [mod:alt, talent:6/2] Void Torrent
/castsequence [mod:alt, talent:6/3, nochanneling:Void Torrent] reset=60 Mindbender, Void Torrent
</li> <li><strong>Sequence:</strong>
/cast [combat, nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Eruption /cast [combat, nochanneling] Mind Flay /cast [nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Death /cast [nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Blast /cast [talent:7/2, nochanneling:Void Torrent, @cursor] Shadow Crash /castsequence [talent:1/3, nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Void, Mind Blast, Mind Blast, Mind Blast /cast [talent:6/1, combat, nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:6/2, combat, nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadowfiend
Additional Images:
- Complete Display (sample)
Import Strings:
- Cast Time Auras - (recommended). * Work in progress *
- Cooldown Auras (Not Talent Dependant) - (recommended).
- Cooldown Auras (Talent Dependant) - (recommended).
- Informational Auras - (optional).
- Key Modifier Auras - (recommended).