Shadow Priest - 7.1 - GS:E

Based on my experience I think you should move Void Torrent to Ctrl as well so you can add it in when you need. Having it in the rotation tends to cast it early, when if you cast it near the end will keep you in void form a lot longer. Other than that the rotation seems to feel solid.

Add the [nochanneling:Spinning Crane Kick] command in front of each spell that shouldn’t interrupt it. Essentially, this will lower the priority of each of those spells below that of Spinning Crane Kick. Just be mindful of that. :wink:

P.S. - Moving forward (so as not to clutter this Priest thread with WW Monk info.), feel free to Personal Message (PM) me instead.

It’s funny you said that, only moments ago I updated my macros to do just that … using the ALT key mod instead of CTRL.

QUOTE: Great minds think alike! - Unknown

[quote quote=37359]<Glad to hear this. I only hope it is worth the trouble.
Cheers! ???

Quite possibly the gap but no worries sorted now , yeah love it thanks not something I will use while raiding but does the job for slacking off on the world quests :slight_smile:


okey so i tried this, but cant seem to get it working.
if i press ctrl it works also the alt key works.
but it wont attack with its normal rotation
what do i have to do?

same not working for me either

Check out above replies.

Have you cleared the default “ctrl+#” bindings?

yea i have but its the normal rotation that wont work. it just stands still doing nothing :frowning:

Hey guys,

First, I want to apologize for the delayed response (real life momentarily trumped my life in Azeroth). :wink:

Second, I confirmed that your problem did exist. I copied the macros to two fresh installs; it worked on one, but not the other.

Third, it appears the issue was in the pre-macro section.

Finally, I modified the macros, updated the weakauras notifications, tested everything on two new installs, and everything seems in working order now.

To resolve your problem:

  • Go back to the first post in this thread.
  • Import the new versions of these macros into GSE.
  • Delete the old notifications from the Weakauras addon.
  • Import the updated notifications into the Weakauras addon.

That should do it.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

P.S. - Let me know if you still have problems.

dumb question here but i tried pressing Ctrl and Alt but it won’t cast anything am I missing something? Thank you in advance!

Check your Key Bindings > remove anything that references CTRL or ALT.

One more stupid question, I noticed that Shadowfiend does not proc

The line that reads:

/cast [talent:6/1,combat,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:6/2,combat,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadowfiend

… should cast Shadowfiend automatically if you have selected either Power Infusion or Shadow Crash as your Tier 6 Talent.

Alternatively, if you have selected Mindbender as your Tier 6 Talent, it should cast when the ALT key modifier is pressed … after having cast Void Torrent first:

/castsequence [talent:6/3,mod:alt,nochanneling:Void Torrent] reset=60 Void Torrent, Mindbender


  • I have elected to cast the spells in this order, so that Mindbender can be used while in Voidform; thus extending the duration each time.
  • Technically, the order in which these spells are cast could also be flipped (i.e. Mindbender before Void Torrent), but this would likely cause Mindbender to be cast outside of Voidform.
  • OR

  • You might even prefer to break these two spells out on their own cast lines, like this: ``` /cast [talent:6/3,mod:alt] Void Torrent /cast [talent:6/3,mod:alt,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mindbender ```

Regardless, the spell should cast … or at least it does for me.
Has anyone else experienced this problem (Shadowfiend not being cast)?

That single target macro is by far the best I have tried. It performs really really well. Hope to see more classes with macro setups like this. Specifically love that you can get the targeted ability shadow crash to actually fire off at cursor <3. Thanks a ton.

Does anyone have any Warcraft logs links I can check out to see how this is performing?

so here’s what talents and my GS looks like. but Shadowfiend still does not proc for me even after clearing Ctrl and Alt key binds.

Sequences['SingleTarget'] = {
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 2212211",
/cast [form:0] Shadowform
/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]
/castsequence [mod:ctrl,nochanneling:Void Torrent] reset=target/5  Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch
/castsequence [talent:6/1,mod:alt,nochanneling:Void Torrent] reset=120  Void Torrent, Power Infusion, Void Torrent
/cast [talent:6/2,mod:alt,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Torrent
/castsequence [talent:6/3,mod:alt,nochanneling:Void Torrent] reset=60  Void Torrent, Mindbender
"/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Eruption, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Eruption"",
"/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Death, Mind Blast, Mind Blast, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Death, Mind Blast, Mind Blast"",
"/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Blast, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Blast"",
"/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Eruption, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Eruption"",
"/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Death, Mind Blast, Mind Blast, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Death, Mind Blast, Mind Blast"",
"/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Blast, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Blast"",
"/castsequence [talent:1/3,talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:1/3,talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Void, Mind Blast, Mind Blast, Mind Flay; [talent:1/3,talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Void, Mind Blast, Mind Blast"",
"/castsequence [talent:3/1,talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:3/1,talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Bomb, Mind Flay; [talent:3/1,talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Bomb"",
"/cast [talent:6/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent,@cursor] Shadow Crash"'",
"/cast [talent:6/1,combat,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:6/2,combat,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadowfiend"",
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Mind Flay

@Eugene Ng: Please edit the the above mentioned post, placing your code between back quotes to make it read easier. Thank you.

… and from what I can tell from your attached screen shot (even though it is too small to tell for sure), it looks like there may be erroneous quotes ahead of the Shadow Crash and Shadowfiend cast lines. Does Shadow Crash work? If not, you may want to try removing these leading quotes. Alternatively, you might want to try re-importing the code from the original post.

put in code bracket & fixed errors:

Sequences['SingleTarget'] = {
source = “Local”,
helpTxt = “Talents: 2212211″,
/cast [form:0] Shadowform
/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]
/castsequence [mod:ctrl,nochanneling:Void Torrent] reset=target/5 Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch
/castsequence [talent:6/1,mod:alt,nochanneling:Void Torrent] reset=120 Void Torrent, Power Infusion, Void Torrent
/cast [talent:6/2,mod:alt,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Torrent
/castsequence [talent:6/3,mod:alt,nochanneling:Void Torrent] reset=60 Void Torrent, Mindbender
[[/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Eruption, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Eruption]],
[[/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Death, Mind Blast, Mind Blast, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Death, Mind Blast, Mind Blast]],
[[/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Blast, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Blast]],
[[/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Eruption, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Void Eruption]],
[[/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Death, Mind Blast, Mind Blast, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Death, Mind Blast, Mind Blast]],
[[/castsequence [talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Blast, Mind Flay; [talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Blast]],
[[/castsequence [talent:1/3,talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:1/3,talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Void, Mind Blast, Mind Blast, Mind Flay; [talent:1/3,talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadow Word: Void, Mind Blast, Mind Blast]],
[[/castsequence [talent:3/1,talent:7/1,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:3/1,talent:7/3,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Bomb, Mind Flay; [talent:3/1,talent:7/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Mind Bomb]],
[[/cast [talent:6/2,nochanneling:Void Torrent,@cursor] Shadow Crash]],
[[/cast [talent:6/1,combat,nochanneling:Void Torrent] [talent:6/2,combat,nochanneling:Void Torrent] Shadowfiend]],
/cast [combat,nochanneling] Mind Flay

the error i get is macro unable to be imported =(

Are you referring to the macro posted above, or the macro on the original post?