[Share Your Story] How WoW Lazy Macros or GSE has helped you or someone else?

I was turned on to this site by my mom probably 9-10 years ago, and I’ve used it ever since!! I really just use it to be lazy, and also… I was getting tired of waiting on cooldowns so I could hit the next spell/action. So before my mom told me about this site, I was basically “face rolling” and getting bored with the game. This site helped me love WoW again, so thank you @lutechi for creating this site to help people no matter their reason to download macros!!


I know the power and benefit GSE and macros bring to many many people.

Unfortunately it seems no one can make a successful Classic/TBC Shadow Priest macro and that limits the class choice because players who need the GSE macros to play just can’t.

That said GSE frees a lot of people with physical glitches to play games they enjoy.

Thanks Tim, lutechi, and the Community.


I am disabled. Without GSE I would have to stop playing the game I have loved for 15 years. Thank you for keeping it going. It may not be perfect but it lets me play!


I love wow, but im not good at it. Due to learning disabilites i am not able to remember rotations or the most effective way to do something on my character. This lead me to yeras of botting and losing several accounts and tons of money. With GSE i have something that managers all the rotations and makes the game fun again and playable.


So, I have been here since 2012, but have been playing wow since the 2008 beta. Here I was Under a different name for years then forgot my login blah blah. Anyways, in 2012 I broke my shoulder essentially causing my arm to now slip out of the socket, holding my arm up to a keyboard for a length of time would cause it to slip out, and then deal with days of excruciating pain when set back in and nerve/arthritis damage that came from it.

I needed a solution to play because I was cooped up at home and very bored. Playing wow back then I was a warrior tank in a guild and essentially was unable to do my duties as the main tank and I was asked to be replaced by the group with someone else. And for the record, I should have been. It wasn’t their fault at all. However, when I searched for macros that I could assign on the multi-button mouse I had, I found this through other people’s conversations and read it somewhere in a forum about how you have some interesting takes on macros to simplify.

My eyes lit up as I was looking to simplify, not take away the fun or interaction, but loosen up the engagement with my forever aching arm. This allowed me to continue to tank and play all the alts I have now with my own twist.

I’ve contributed and learned and talked trash and found better rotations and been a part of the community for 10 years. Though I did take a break in BOA as I just had a child and priorities, it’s been a pleasure to swap macros and use GSE, which I know is losing support for 10.0, and, It is what it is. I don’t like it but I don’t have a way or the knowledge to do anything about it, however, someone may step up and create their own way of doing things and make a healthy growth come to life or it will die miserably in a flame pit… Either way, I’m here for it.


im 61, and have struggled with arthritus in my hands, feet for years, this has allowd me to be somewhat competive, and enjoy games with the physical restrictions of my fingers not moving where they need all the time, i can now use mouse buttons or a single button to not top dps but hold my own in a group, raid and solo content.


Wonderrrrrrful!!! :heart:

My wife and I have been playing WOW since the night it came out back in 2004. We were heavy raiders and dungeon runners back then.

I am 67 now and she is 68. The years eventually caught up with us. My military disabilities and her arthritis took our edge off a few years back. We no longer raided and only ran dungeons when our son and daughter-in-law would take us under their wings.

I went on a search for addons that would help us and found GSE and WowLazyMacros. I loaded it up and started testing. My game play and DPS improved dramatically and the wife wanted to know what I was doing. I didn’t tell her but I loaded up GSE and WowLazyMacros one morning while she was sleeping and made her a one button. I created a monster! I typically play tank and she a hunter. I had to listen to her bragging how good her DPS was and how she was kicking ass now but it was all worth it to see her get into the game again. We have no problem jumping into random groups now.

I put GSE on our guest computer and a close friend started coming over to play with us. She has Lupus and it causes her a lot of joint pain in her hands. She has been playing WOW almost as long as us. She was a big time raider and played a healer. She lost interest a few years back because she could no longer play a healer due to her Lupus. I made her a Balance Druid and a one button macro and we had her over for dinner a couple months ago. When we all logged on after dinner, she seen the Druid I made and started complaining that she has no idea how to play a Druid. When I showed her the one button she went crazy. Her and the wife started getting into DPS competition. It has been great ever since.

I want to thank all of the Devs and community for the great job they all do. You have brought more joy to people than you know.


I have played WOW for 12 years but several years ago my hand tremors and pain slowed and stopped my playing generally. I used other methods to try and compensate but nothing worked well enough for me to play effectively in groups. Using GSE has been a great help. While I might not play as well as I did in my prime at least I can do averagely well and play the way I like. The macros that people come up with are great and with GSE ease relatively for modifying them and personalizing them, I can play the way I like. Thanks to all the people who make the macros and especially Timothy for making GSE so that I can enjoy a game which while has problems I still greatly enjoy playing.


I have arthritis in both wrists and hands, I also have the reaction speed of a brick so without GSE and the God’s and Goddess’s who make these works of art called macro’s I couldn’t play wow to a standard I find acceptable. So I probably won’t make a mythic raider but thanks to all your hard work I hold my own in heroic raid on main and alts which is more than enough for me.
I thank you all with all my heart.


Hi All,
I am a USMC combat vet with nerve damage in one arm, which made it difficult to use the keyboard and mouse while gaming, the left arm, and fingers respond slowly so it was hard to keep up with my rotations, GSE made the life of a gamer easy, and I can now confidently join raids and groups without issues. Big thanks and gratitude goes out to John Metz, Lutechi, and All other contributors for helping an old veteran out, WOW really helps with my PTSD and Anxiety issues.


Hi, I have neuro disorder. I find it difficult to process lots of info quickly. I have played wow since cata and my condition started 3 years ago. There are some content that I can’t play due to flashing lights and lots of movement in a raid, but I’m part of a great community where there is no pressure to sit out on particular bosses. I digress. GSE has and continues to help me carry on raiding and still be able to be functional to my team. I can still play a game I love to play because it allows me to escape my rl problems fundamentally. I’m unable to work out how to build macros because of my issue too. Thank you for your invaluable support that not just enables me, but countless others to play wow!




@lutechi @TimothyLuke , dudes!!! im gonna cry


I have a tendon problem that disallows me from effectively pressing the buttons that I need to for WoW. Being able to use GSE/WoW Lazy Macros has been hugely benefitial for me. Thanks to everyone who supports the work being done here.


I lost two fingers in a woodworking accident and almost had to give up WoW. With GSE and the work macro authors put in I manage to be play as if nothing happened. Much appreciated.


I’m grateful for GSE because it makes the game more fun by helping me be more efficient. I like the community, but I really like how it was a good replacement for SuperMacro, one of my all time favorite macros. If I try playing a brand new class for the first time, it’s exciting to be able to HOP RIGHT IN and start jammin’ and be able to contribute to the party / raid.

GSE if life!


I have been playing WoW off and on since day 1 of launch. In the beginning, I was only able to hit numbers 1-5 of the keyboard with my left hand. Over the years, my abilities have worsened to where I can only hit 1 key. GSE and the contributions of all you coders keep this game alive for me. For some GSE is a convenience; but for others it really is our only hope of playing and enjoying this game. And for that I truly do thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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Im lazy to be honest i just cant be bothered learning rotations, been playing since beta and was pretty good was a druid from day one because of the various roles i could play ended up being heals up till cata then decided feral and by that time the rotation was getting too much i was all over the place for keys. Im 50 years old and slowing down lol.

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For me, it started when I worked at Blizzard, and then SOE afterward. Working under numerous development groups, once I left Sony I wanted to take my knowledge of what I learned at Blizzard and started creating addons like Benediction and took the time to work with BeneCast and Iza (Vuhdo) as I was a healer my entire WoW career as a player.

Outside of WoW, I’ve been everything in the IT business including a CTO and IT Director, all those years of coding takes a toll on your hands. So with all those years of coding, plus WoW playing, I ended up getting some sort of carpal tunnel in my left hand, where my pain starts from my elbow and shoots down to my wrist and into my fingers. The only way to fix it is to have surgery, which I am against. I had heart surgery years ago to fix an extra pathway in my heart that I had a birth defect on, and I never really recovered from that so I know if I have surgery on my hand or elbow, my left arm is toast.

I’m still an active developer, mostly with JSON and PHP but with the occasion of Java systems (NODE, Express, VUE) and other languages and it still hurts my hand as I continue to get flare-ups in my left arm.

For me, healing has changed, I feel that you never do enough healing to actually make a difference in a raid boss or mythic. Someone who was a very successful +20 healer and was part of some of the biggest Mythic and Heroic raiding guilds on the west coast. Blizzard’s new direction is healers need to do DPS, and that’s when I decided to just play DPS from now on (minus my Holy Priest, still have too much love there with all the systems I had a chance in building).

For me WOWLM has been a savior to me, with my carpal tunnel, there is no way I can play WoW like we all used to.

I took a break for the first time in 17 years after playing WoW for about a year, as I felt the game got too toxic. I went to play FF14 and found that trying to play that with all the buttons was just damn near impossible.

Honestly without this site, I would just quit WoW, to be honest.


Gse has helped me jn so many ways since im left hand and i got into an car accident that i can only play with 1 hand, im using AHK with gse and weakauras help big time