** UPDATED (22-APR-2018) **
modified Aff_Warlock_BTN1 macro
Hey everybody,
Try this set of macros and weakauras and lemme know what you think.
Your feedback is much appreciated.
Sequences['Aff_Warlock_BTN1'] = { -- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.08. Author="Nörrix@Shattered Hand", SpecID=265, Talents = "Any Combination", Help = [[This macro will apply Damage Over Time Spells (DOTS) to Enemy Targets. Specifically, it will cast Agony, Corruption, Siphon Life, Phantom Singularity and Haunt. As well, if used in conjunction with the CTRL Key Modifier it will cast Unstable Affliction, or if used in conjunction with the ALT Key Modifier it will cast Seed of Corruption. Additionally, this macro will put your pet into attack mode, and will target a new Enemy Target if your current target dies or stops doing you harm.]], Default=1, MacroVersions = { [1] = { StepFunction = "Priority", KeyPress={ "/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]", "/petattack [combat]", "/cast [mod:ctrl] Unstable Affliction", "/cast [mod:alt] Seed of Corruption", "/castsequence [talent:2/2, combat, nomod] reset=target/combat Corruption, null", }, PreMacro={ }, "/cast [talent:4/1, nomod] Phantom Singularity", "/cast [talent:1/1, nomod] Haunt", "/castsequence [talent:2/2, talent:7/1, nomod] [talent:2/2, talent:7/3, nomod] reset=target Agony; [talent:2/1, talent:7/1, nomod] [talent:2/1, talent:7/3, nomod] [talent:2/3, talent:7/1, nomod] [talent:2/3, talent:7/3, nomod] reset=target Agony, Corruption, Corruption, Agony, Corruption, Agony, Corruption, Agony, Corruption, Corruption, Agony, Corruption, Agony, Corruption, Agony, Corruption; [talent:2/2, talent:7/2, nomod] reset=target Agony, Siphon Life, Siphon Life, Agony, Siphon Life, Agony, Siphon Life, Agony, Siphon Life, Agony, Siphon Life; [talent:2/1, talent:7/2, nomod] [talent:2/3, talent:7/2, nomod] reset=target Agony, Siphon Life, Corruption", PostMacro={ }, KeyRelease={ }, }, }, }
</li> <li><strong>REAP SOUL & DRAIN SOUL:</strong>
Sequences['Aff_Warlock_BTN2'] = { -- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03. Author="Nörrix@Shattered Hand", SpecID=265, Talents = "Any Combination", Help = [[This macro will primarily cast Drain Soul. As well, if used in conjunction with the CTRL Key Modifier it will consume all Tormented Souls via Reap Souls. Additionally, this macro will put your pet into attack mode, and will target a new Enemy Target if your current target dies or stops doing you harm.]], Default=1, MacroVersions = { [1] = { StepFunction = "Priority", KeyPress={ "/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]", "/petattack [combat]", "/cast [mod:ctrl] Reap Souls", }, PreMacro={ }, "/cast [nochanneling, nomod] Drain Soul", PostMacro={ }, KeyRelease={ }, }, }, }
</li> <li><strong>PETS:</strong>
Sequences['Aff_Warlock_BTN3'] = { -- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03. Author="Nörrix@Shattered Hand", SpecID=265, Talents = "Any Combination", Help = [[Depending on the TIER 6 TALENT you have selected, this macro will summon a specific pet. GRIMOIRE OF SUPREMACY: - If used in conjunction with the CTRL Key Modifier it will summon your DOOMGUARD pet. - If used in conjunction with the ALT Key Modifier it will summon your INFERNAL pet. GRIMOIRE OF SERVICE: - If you have not yet summoned a pet and you are in a group: it will summon your SUCCUBUS by default (using no Key Modifier). - If you have not yet summoned a pet and you are not in a group: it will summon your VOIDWALKER by default (using no Key Modifier). - If you have not yet summoned a pet and you use it in conjunction with the CTRL Key Modifier: it will summon your FELHUNTER. - If you have not yet summoned a pet and you use it in conjunction with the ALT Key Modifier: it will summon your IMP. - If you have already summoned a pet and you are in a group: it will summon your GRIMOIRE: SUCCUBUS by default (using no Key Modifier). - If you have already summoned a pet and you are not in a group: it will summon your GRIMOIRE: VOIDWALKER by default (using no Key Modifier). - If you have already summoned a pet and you use it in conjunction with the CTRL Key Modifier: it will summon your DOOMGUARD or GRIMOIRE: FELHUNTER. - If you have already summoned a pet and you use it in conjunction with the ALT Key Modifier it will summon your INFERNAL or GRIMOIRE: IMP. GRIMOIRE OF SACRIFICE - It will summon and then sacrfice a Felhunter, giving you the Demonic Power buff. Additionally, this macro will: - put your pet into attack mode, - and target a new Enemy Target if your current target dies or stops doing you harm.]], Default=1, MacroVersions = { [1] = { StepFunction = "Sequential", KeyPress={ "/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]", "/petattack [combat]", "/castsequence [talent:6/3, nomod] reset=combat Summon Felhunter, Grimoire of Sacrifice, null", }, PreMacro={ }, "/cast [talent:6/1, nopet, mod:ctrl] [talent:6/2, combat, mod:ctrl] [talent:6/3, combat, mod:ctrl] Summon Doomguard; [talent:6/1, nopet, mod:alt] [talent:6/2, combat, mod:alt] [talent:6/3, combat, mod:alt] Summon Infernal; [talent:6/2, nopet, group, nomod] Summon Succubus; [talent:6/2, nopet, nogroup, nomod] Summon Voidwalker; [talent:6/2, nopet, mod:ctrl] Summon Felhunter; [talent:6/2, nopet, mod:alt] Summon Imp", "/cast [talent:6/2, pet, combat, group, nomod] Grimoire: Succubus; [talent:6/2, pet, combat, nogroup, nomod] Grimoire: Voidwalker; [talent:6/2, pet, combat, mod:ctrl] Grimoire: Felhunter; [talent:6/2, pet, combat, mod:alt] Grimoire: Imp", PostMacro={ }, KeyRelease={ }, }, }, }
The WeakAuras can be found at Wago.io –> Wago
The font I use for most of my WeakAuras is called: Neuropol
You can download it for free (and donate - optional) here: