Aerrek’s UI
⚔️ Aerrek's UI?
Experience a new way to interface with the game’s environment. Transition from one specialization to the next with ease. Hold one button while responding to Shift, Ctrl, and Alt.
Maintain maximum effectiveness by replicating the damage priorities of WoW’s top guides. I integrate GSE’s sequencing capabilities with WeakAuras’ powerful graphics interface functions.
Macro conditionals and WeakAuras’ triggers detect: number of enemies within set range, buffs/debuffs, and player/target/focus health (to name a few) to alter way your abilities are sequenced.
All of your specialization’s abilities are embedded within either the GSE sequences or WeakAura, or both. Mobility, offensive, defensive, utility, PvP, talents; everything is included with Additional Features!
🖱️ New User Help Links
🖱️ Aerrek's UI: New User Setup
Initial mouse, keyboard, and other setup instructions and information.
❔ F.A.Q.
✴️ Talent Builds
Approved talent builds can be found on the ‘Talents’ panel of the “
” GSE sequence.I can add or update talent builds by request! (PvP, M+, Raid, Leveling)
💥 Click Speed
I develop and test my sequences and macros using 20 clicks/sec (50ms).
Slow this until you notice a delay in GCD windows.
Usage Information
🖥️ WeakAura
Hold your activation button and respond to the prompts that appear on-screen.
🟥 Center Display
Prompts not identified by a modifier (Primordial Wave) will need to be cast directly from your action bars.
🟡 Top Feed
Sequenced (automatic) abilities that will be cast soon.
🟪 Bottom Feed
Non-sequenced (manual) abilities that are recommended for use.
Group buffs, interrupts, dispels, soothes, etc…
Abilities ending with-> [S]
or-> [F]
indicate who to cast at; yourself or your focus.
🟤 Progress Bars
Progress bars will display a variety of auras.Mobility abilities, major buff timers, cooldown timers, etc…
🖱️ Cursor
Mobility abilities and ‘cast at mouseover/cursor’ abilities.
Abilities starting with
, and(A)
can be cast using the modifiers Shift, Ctrl, and Alt.Each specialization’s Cursor HUD varies and is adapted to suit the needs of the specialization.
🤖 GSE Sequences
🛜 Links
Click here to download WeakAuras. Click here to view my Wago profile.
🗡️ All Classes
Up To Date (11.0.2) Degraded, (Old Patch) Unavailable
🐾 Druid
🐲 Evoker
🏹 Hunter
☯️ Monk
🙌 Paladin
✝️ Priest
🥷🏻 Rogue
🧝🏾♀️ Shaman
😈 Warlock
🤬 Warrior
📥 Request a Specialization!
Click here to request your specialization, if not available.
Thank you!
⭐ Support
I am a senior college student and disabled veteran who dedicates a great amount of time designing, developing, testing, and updating GSE sequences & WeakAuras to share with you. I take great care to leave no stone unturned and to provide you with a high quality result! I enjoy hearing your feedback!
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